Dermatological Assessments


● General nail care

● Thickened/hard-to-cut toenails

● Ingrown toenails

● Corn removal

● Callus reduction

● Heel fissures

● Tinea pedis (athletes foot)

● Wart treatment

We're here for you and your feet!

Falls Risk Assessment

We can complete a falls assessment to assess an individual's falls risk. After highlighting potential risks we can put in place a falls prevention program to reduce the likelihood of future falls.

We bulk bill for Veteran's Affairs (with current referral from GP) and for Medicare Patients whom have been referred by their GP with an Enhanced Primary Care Plan.

We also offer hourly rates for organisations depending on your needs.

Any further questions please contact us

​​​​At Country Feet Podiatry we are dedicated to provide ongoing podiatric assessment and care in your local community

Diabetic Foot Assessments

It is vital that diabetic patients have annual or bi-annual assessments to monitor their feet. These assessments include tests which assess blood flow and nerve function to reduce the likelihood of foot complications.

At Country Feet Podiatry we can provide:

● Neurological testing

● Vascular testing (including Doppler readings, ABI and toe pressures)

● Footwear assessment/locating pressure high areas

Musculoskeletal and Biomechanical Assessments

Visual dynamic and static biomechanical analysis. We can provide assessments and provide treatment plans for a variety of conditions including:

​● Heel pain (Plantar fasciitis)

​● Achilles pain

​● Shin Splints

● Overlapping toes

​● Forefoot pain

● Arthritic pain

​● Bunion pain

We can also provide provide orthtoics to assist in providing support and correct abnormal alignment to improve function and reduce strain on the foot, ankle, knee and hips

Country Feet Podiatry Services

Trigger Point Dry needling​

Trigger Point Dry Needling is a treatment technique used to release tight muscles with the aim of reducing muscle pain by increasing flexibility and improving function.